

Thank you for your interest in becoming a fellow of the British Society for Nanomedicine. To begin the fellowship application process please select which type of membership you require:

  1. Fellow is the highest and most prestigious honour that will be conferred upon members in acknowledgment of their outstanding achievements and significant impact in the field of nanomedicine.
  2. Associate Fellow is open to early-career members who have already showcased promising contributions to the field.

For more information on any of these roles and how to apply, please see the Fellowship Guidance Document linked below.

Applications will be reviewed throughout the year and appointment for Fellows and Associate Fellows will be formally announced at the BSNM Annual Meeting.

If you have any questions please contact us at britishsocietyfornanomedicine@gmail.com 

Download a copy of the Fellowship Guidance Document Here

Benefits of Fellowship

If your application is successful, the applicant will be informed by e-mail and receive a certificate.

Fellow benefits include:

  • The Fellow’s name will appear on the BSNM website.
  • This recognition could be used as part of the doctor’s title (FBSNM).
  • A nominal yearly fee of £50 will be requested for the maintenance of the fellowship.
  • The Fellows will benefit from reduced costs for attending the BSNM Annual Meetings.

Associate fellow benefits include:

  •  The Associate Fellow’s name will appear on the BSNM website.
  • This recognition could be used as part of the doctor’s title (AFBSN).
  • A nominal yearly fee of £25 will be requested for the maintenance of the Associate Fellowship.

The Society respects the privacy of all its members and will never pass on your details to any other party. Please read our Privacy Policy. Privacy Policy

Meet our Fellows

Dr Aristides Tagalakis, FBSNM
Dr Aristides Tagalakis, FBSNM
Dr Mayank Singh, FBSNM
Dr Mayank Singh, FBSNM